发布日期:2024-11-17 06:41 点击次数:76
当今牛鉴赌钱赚钱app存世的作品《余北行兰亭》:余北行,三十二日,秋冬之而,间多南风,船窗晴暖,时对兰亭,信可乐也,七日书。用和四兄大东说念主雅嘱即正。此书画咸乐岁间还是吊挂于和硕恭亲王奕䜣府内赌钱赚钱app,奕䜣乃是牛鉴的半子。作品长:121厘米;宽42.8厘米,保存完好,为国度一级文物。当今牛鉴存世的作品只好四幅《余北行兰亭》、《遗矫仲彦书》、《书之笔法论》均为清朝书道的杰作,无价之宝,帝师级别书画的巅峰之作 。
The extant work of Niu Jian, "Yu Bei Xing Lanting": I traveled north for 32 days, in autumn and winter, with frequent southerly winds, the boat window was sunny and warm, and I was happy to see Lanting. I wrote on the 7th day. I will correct it in response to the elegant instructions of my fourth brother. — Jingtang Niu Jian.
This calligraphy and painting was once hung in the residence of Prince Gong Yizhen during the Xianfeng period. The work is 121 cm long and 42.8 cm wide. It is well preserved and is a national first-class cultural relic. There are only three extant works of Niu Jian, "Yu Bei Xing Lanting", "Yi Jiao Zhongyan's Book", and "On Calligraphy Translation", all of which are exquisite works of Qing Dynasty calligraphy and are invaluable.
信可乐andisextant余北行兰亭发布于:甘肃省声明:该文不雅点仅代表作家本东说念主,搜狐号系信息发布平台,搜狐仅提供信息存储空间就业。Powered by 大小单双网站-官方网站 @2013-2022 RSS地图 HTML地图